
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New Blog

Hi all!

This blog is just started and I don't have so much words to say.
I hope I can express my thought here as frequent as possible because usually it's hard for me to write what I think.
Actually I do have personal blog started quite few years ago. Please visit it too

Thursday, October 29, 2009

pihak kolej dh block facebook dpd dilogin..
student dh xdapat access facebook lagi
malah pegi homepagenye pon xboleh ok

fairosza bukan takat boleh bukak homepage fb
siap boleh log in,tulis komen,upd8 status segala..

nape lak boleh?
erm ada lar..
xbley gtau kot....rahsia
this is not a good knowledge to be shared to kyuemians..hahaha(ketawa jahat)

bagus jugak pe
xda la bebudak ni nk men'fb' memanjang bagai
men'fb' xsalah,tp jgn sampai addicted ya
bukak sekali sekala ok la..